Weekly activities

9:00 am. Baby Sensory Baby Sensory *
9:15 am. Little Bears. Parent and Toddler Group for 0-5 year olds
6:00 pm. Girls' Brigade
7:45 pm. Whitton Choral Society *
2:00 pm. Bible Study: First Thursday of the month
2:00 pm. Boccia: Third Thursday of the month
Saturday 8:45 am. Baby Ballet *

Monday to Friday: 8:00 am. Blue Iris Nursery *

Activities marked with a * are not organised by the church.
(Sorry, we are currently unable to accept any further regular booking for our premises.
Also, our premises are not available to hire for one-off events.)

Child Protection.
We have a Child Protection Policy and our
staff and volunteers are DBS checked.

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This site is created and maintained by Peter Boulter