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West Somerset Railway Spring Steam Gala.

Saturday 19th, Thursday 24th - Saturday 26th March 2011

Saturday 19th.

GWR 2-8-0 N0.2807 at Bishops Lydeard.

2807 at Bishops Lydeard.
Built in 1905, No.2087 is the oldest surviving Great Western locomotive in private ownership.
(Only the National Collection's 'Dean Goods' and City of Truro are older.)

2807 departing from Washford.

LSWR/SR 4-6-0 No.30777 Sir Lamiel approaching Watchet.

WSR 2-6-0 No.9351 in the yard at Minehead.

GWR 2-6-2 No.4160 and GWR 0-6-0PT No.6430 at Bishops Lydeard.

4160 at Bishios Lydeard.

GWR auto-train at Bishops Lydeard.

6430 and 2807 at Bishops Lydeard.

6430 at Norton Fitzwarren with the auto-train.

The auto-train at Norton Fitzwarren.

30777 Sir Lamiel at Bishops Lydeard.

30777 Sir Lamiel and GWR 4-6-0 No.7812 Erlestoke Manor at Bishops Lydeard.

30777 Sir Lamiel at Bishops Lydeard.

SDJR 2-8-0 No.88 arriving at Williton.

4160 arriving at Washford.

Thursday 24th.

7812 Erlestoke Manor on a low-loader for its return to the SVR
after suffering a major failure.

2807 departing from Bishops Lydeard.

9351 at Bishops Lydeard.

30777Sir Lamiel approaching Washford.

GWR 4-6-0 No.6024 King Edward I at Williton.

5553 approaching at Crowcombe Heathfield.

GWR 2-6-2T No.5553 arrives at Crowcombe Heathfield while 30777 Sir Lamiel waits.

30777 Sir Lamiel at Crowcombe Heathfield.

30777 Sir Lamiel departs from Crowcombe Heathfield.

2807 at Crowcombe Heathfield.

2807 waits at Crowcombe Heathfield while 70000 Britannia arrives.

9351 at Williton.

5553 at Minehead.

6430 at Minehead with the auto-train.

70000 Britannia on the turntable at Minehead.

4160 at Minehead.

5553 at Watchet.

70000 Britannia at Minehead.
(Unfortunately its nameplates are missing.)

30777 Sir Lamiel approaches Washford.

2807 at Crowcombe Heathfield.

70000 Britannia approaching Crowcombe Heathfield.

Friday 25th.

5553 approaches Bishops Lydeard with a goods train.

5553 departs from Bishops Lydeard with the goods train.

5553 continues down the line away from Bishops Lydeard.

6024 King Edward I approaching Washford.

6024 King Edward I at Bishops Lydeard.

70000 Britannia at Bishops Lydeard.

70000 Britannia at Bishops Lydeard.

30777 Sir Lamiel at Minehead.

6430 at Minehead.

The Auto-train leaves Dunster.

6430 with the Auto-train departing from Dunster.

6024 King Edward I at Minehead.

6024 King Edward I and 30777 Sir Lamiel at Minehead.

9351 arriving at Dunster.

6024 King Edward I approaching Washford.

Saturday 26th.

30777 Sir Lamiel at Williton.

70000 Britannia departing from Williton.

SR 4-6-0 No.34048 Braunton in the workshops at Williton.

The new footbridge at Williton under construction.
As yet there's no steps, decking or roof.

4160 at Williton.

9351 arriving at Williton.

2807 and 70000 Britannia at Minehead.

70000 Britannia at Minehead.

2807 departing from Watchet.

88 approaching Watchet.

6024 King Edward I and 70000 Britannia double-head a train out of Watchet.

6024 King Edward I and 70000 Britannia double-head a train out of Watchet.

88 at Minehead.

88 at Minehead.

88 approaching Watchet.

6024 King Edward I and 70000 Britannia double-heading at Watchet.

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Photographs © Peter Boulter 2011