Photographs from the archives
(or at least photographs made to look like they're old archive photos!)

England engine Hazel crossing the bridge over the lake.

No.2 emerging from the tunnel with a train of tipper wagons.

Quarry Hunslett Harry crossing the viaduct.

Fairlie loco Dennis approaching the bridge with a slate train.

The photos below are real archive photos because
the part of the MVR they feature has been redeveloped.

A rare photo of the Austrian 0-6-2 with a slate train at Bryn Draig.

Ffenics loco shed.

Hazel crossing the viaduct on the approach to Bryn Draig.

Hazel ready to depart from Bryn Draig.

Dennis waiting to depart from Bryn Draig.

Ruth at Bryn Draig quarry with a slate train while No.2 waits at the foot of the incline.

Hazel crossing the viaduct on the approach to Bryn Draig
while Ruth waits to leave the quarry with a slate train.

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Photographs © Peter Boulter 2019

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